

Create new job

API call to create a new job request

This route requires session token to be passed in the header (from login request)

Body Parameters:
Name Type Description
serviceType String provide service type
serviceDescription String description of service
tenantName String service provider name
tenantPhoneNumber Number service provider phone number
address String provide address
externalJobID String customer jod-id
invoiceTo String customer invoice
isASAP Boolean is as soon as possible
isStrataCertified Boolean is Strata Certified
curl -X
            POST \ \
            -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
            -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
            -H 'X-Session-Token: r:ef150e76aeb7ad5165aacc313af7c4a9' \
            -d '{"serviceTypeId":"WjdVBb7Hfw","serviceDescription":"Need Electrician to fix two sockets in Bedroom","tenantName":"Michael",
            "tenantPhoneNumber":"966577709","address":"2/100 Wartah Street","externalJobID":"#2112","invoiceTo":"Yobonza","isASAP":false,

Job details

Method: GET, Path: /v1/jobs/jobId

This route requires session token to be passed in the header (from login request)

Header Parameters:
Name Type Description
job-id String API call to get job details
curl -X
             GET \ \
             -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
             -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
             -H 'X-Session-Token: r:cdca52bb0bc4680fe08fd92774331047' \
             -d '{"serviceTypeId":"WjdVBb7Hfw","serviceDescription":"Need Electrician to fix two sockets in Bedroom","tenantName":"Michael",
             "tenantPhoneNumber":"966577709","address":"2/100 Wartah Street","externalJobID":"#2112","invoiceTo":"Yobonza","isASAP":false,
             "isStrataCertified":true,"scheduledDate": "2018-02-18T13:30:00"}'

Job messages

Method: GET, Path: /v1/messages/jobId

This route requires session token to be passed in the header (from login request)

Header Parameters:
Name Type Description
job-id String API call to get the job messages, it will shows the messages related to jobId
curl -X
             GET \ \
             -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
             -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
             -H 'X-Session-Token: r:d483706fefeb2b981aa047242cc1d78c' \
             -d 'data: {
              jobId: {
              __type: '\''Pointer'\'',
              className: '\''Jobs'\'',
              objectId: BEAGnLrCDy

Jobs list

API call to get job list, it will shows the list of all jobs
curl -X
             GET \ \
             -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
             -H 'X-Session-Token: r:ef150e76aeb7ad5165aacc313af7c4a9' \
             -d '{"serviceTypeId":"WjdVBb7Hfw","serviceDescription":"Need Electrician to fix two sockets in Bedroom","tenantName":"Michael",
             "tenantPhoneNumber":"966577709","address":"2/100 Wartah Street","externalJobID":"#2112","invoiceTo":"Yobonza","isASAP":false,


With this API call, the sender places a username:password into the request header using Basic Authentication. The username and password is encoded with Base64, which is an encoding technique that converts the username and password into a set of 64 characters to ensure safe transmission.
curl -X
             GET \'' \
             -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache'
             -H "Authorization: Basic <ACCESS_TOKEN>"

Update job status

Method: PATCH, Path: /v1/jobs/jobId

This route requires session token to be passed in the header (from login request)

Header Parameters:
Name Type Description
job-id string API call to update job status, it will update status of the job based on jobid
Body Parameters:
Name Type Description
status String provide job status
curl -X
             PATCH \ \
             -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
             -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
             -H 'X-Session-Token: r:223caa7bed90b773f6567b8ad01dee28' \
             -d '{"status":"Pending" }'

Assign technician to a job

Method: POST, Path: /v1/jobs/{jobId}

This route requires session token to be passed in the header (from login request)

Header Parameters:
Name Type Description
job-id string API call to assign a technician to an existing job
Body Parameters:
Name Type Description
technicianEmail String provide technician email
curl -X
           PATCH \ \
           -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
           -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
           -H 'X-Session-Token: r:223caa7bed90b773f6567b8ad01dee28' \
           -d '{"technicianEmail":"[email protected]" }'

Handle expired job

Method: POST, Path: /v1/jobs/{jobId}/expired

This route requires session token to be passed in the header (from login request)

Header Parameters:
Name Type Description
job-id string API call to handle expired jobs
curl -X
           POST \ \
           -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
           -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
           -H 'X-Session-Token: r:223caa7bed90b773f6567b8ad01dee28' \