
The days of waiting for phone calls are over

Receive job requests and enquiries from thousands of customers using the Fixitfaster app.

Lead generation done for you

Thousands of customers

Access an audience of loyal customers in your area, using the Fixitfaster app.

A new approach to home care

An easy to use app for time poor customers, who are actively looking for business like yours.

Leverage our marketing dollars

We’re investing large amounts into acquiring customers, including providing discounts on jobs

Communication made easy

Via the Fixitfaster platform, communication with the customer is easy, and app-based. No more calls or texting back and forth.

“Since signing up to Fixitfaster, the amount of enquiries we have received has changed drastically”

Thomas, KeyTouch Locksmiths

Start receiving leads from Fixitfaster customers

Join Fixitfaster for free, and pay per each lead you receive on your terms.
Ready to change your business?
Need help? Contact sales team on 1800 650 525